UltraSense Overhead Console
Reference Design Overview
UltraSense’s Overhead Console (OHC) reference design uses the TouchPoint Edge HMI controller and main system MCU to drive all features of the OHC design.
- 6x CapForce™ Buttons
- 2x Map Light ON/OFF
- 2x for Sunroof Open/Close
- 1x Ambient Light ON/OFF
- 1x Ambient Light Color taggle
- 1x Capacitive Slider (60mm)
- Ambient Light (RGB)
- 2x Map Light
- Speaker
- System controlled by TouchPoint Edge Controller
- Slider:
- Swipe up/down to control brightness
- Swipe up/down repeatedly to reach Max/Min brightness
- ON/OFF: Press and release
- Sunroof Open/Close: Press and hold to open/close
- Ambient Light Taggle: Press and hold to cycle change colors
- Haptic & Speaker: Function activate/deactivate with haptic & speaker feedback