Inventors + Leaders
Founded in 2018 by a team of technologists who have designed and delivered billions of motion, audio and fingerprint sensors to the market, UltraSense is bringing a new user interface that differentiates products and enables new applications using a patented 3D ultrasound technology.
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We are passionate for innovation and solving complex problems. We are looking for the best and brightest who are driven to push the boundaries of technology and make interaction with products simple and natural.
CES 2023 UltraSense Systems Trip Report
Contrasting Force Sensing Technologies
The Next-Generation Human-Machine Interface
The Magic of InPlane Sensing for Automotive
UltraSense Systems develops ultrasonic touch solutions with precise, highly localized, buttonless interfaces that bring surfaces to life. We have created the world’s smallest ultrasound system-on-a-chip that can sense through any material and replace mechanical buttons in smartphones, consumer electronics, home appliances, automotive, IoT, industrial and medical products.
UltraSense InPlane Sensing transforms automotive design potential and driver-vehicle interfaces, with “hidden-until-lit” technology. UltraSense In-Plane Sensing integrates multi-mode sensing, illumination, and haptics with a single printed circuit board (PCB), for a comprehensive driver-vehicle touch experience.
With UltraSense Systems’ In-Plane Sensing, automotive manufacturers can replace outdated mechanical stalks with Smart Surfaces — putting intuitive touch controls right at a drivers’ fingertips.